Grand Theft Auto 4

Grand Theft Auto 4

Cheat Codes - GTA 4:
Submitted by: Lucas_BR

All you need to do in order to activate the following status boosts and spawn
tricks is use Niko's mobile phone to call the related numbers. Though 360
achievement whores please note, cheats 1 - 4 will block the "Cleaned The Mean
Streets" achievement while 5 and 15 will do the same for "Walk Free".

1, Health And Weapons - GTA-555-0100
2, Weapons - GUN-555-0150
3, Advanced Weapons - GUN-555-0100
4, Health - DOC-555-0100
5, Wanted Level Down - COP-555-0100
6, Wanted Level Up - COP-555-0150
7, Climate Change - HOT-555-0100
8, Spawn Cognoscenti (Mafia Car) - CAR-555-0142
9, Spawn Sanchez (Dirt Bike) - MBK-555-0150
10, Spawn FBI Buffalo - CAR-555-0100
11, Spawn Turismo - CAR-555-0147
12, Spawn NRG900 - MBK-555-0100
13, Spawn Comet - CAR-555-0175
14, Spawn SuperGT - CAR-555-0168
15, Spawn Police Chopper - FLY-555-0100
16, Spawn Jetmax (Boat) - WET-555-0100

Submitted by: Nithin

health and weapons - 4825550100
health and armour - 3625550100
weapons (adv) - 4865550100
Weapons tier 1 - 4865550150
Weapons tier 2 - 4865550100
Remove Niko's wanted level - 2675550100
Change weather and brightness - 4685550100

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: AYUSH

While playing the game, enter the following cheats:

Code Result
LEAVEMEALONE - the cops leave you
BIG BANG - vehicles in the surroundings blast
NOBODYLIKESME - everyone tries to kill you
FANNY MAGNET - girls come attracted towards you

You can date people from the in-game Internet. When looking at their profile click
"Date". You then have to wait a few in-game days for a negative or positive reply
via email. If your date accepts, reply to their email and meet them.

Police database:
Use a computer at a TW@ Internet Cafe to go to the Liberty City Police Department
site at "". Click the "Database" tab at the bottom of the
home page to get information on all characters, including Roman and Niko.

Police database II:
Go to the Liberty Tree website's main page. Click the link to the LCPD website.
There are a few interesting things, like the Threat Level, but aside from that it
appears bare. However when you go to the bottom and look at the copyright information,
the word "Database" is a small hidden link to a large profile list of criminals. Of
special importance are Lola Del Rio, the hooker featured on the box art, Eddie Low
(the No-Name Killer), and Niko Bellic, among others.

Free Internet access:
Some of your safehouses have a computer in them that will not charge the $1 fee. The
Algonquin safehouse has a laptop in it, and is somewhat far away from some of the
Internet cafes.

If you killed Playboy in the "The Holland Play" mission and Dwayne gave you his
apartment as a safehouse, go to it. When you walk in the front door there is a guard
behind the desk. Jump over the desk and you can use his computer to access the Internet
for free. The guard will not attack you.

Bumping into an officer:
When you see a cop on the sidewalk while out in the city, you can push past him like
any other pedestrian while walking. However, if you continue to push and pester a
cop, even if you do not have a weapon or throw a punch, he will attempt to arrest you.

Losing wanted levels:
Use any of the following techniques to get rid of your wanted level.

-To lose your wanted level, simply enter a safehouse and save your progress. When
you wake up your wanted level will be gone.
-Enter a marker for any mission.
-Enter a police vehicle, then quickly activate a vigilante or most wanted mission.
-Get outside of the active radar zone and call a friend. If you reach someone and
not their voicemail you will get rid of your wanted level as the police are.

Current music information:
Dial ZIT-555-0100 on your cellphone to get a text message listing the title and
artist of the music currently playing.

Getting tossed by friend:
Invite a friend to hang out with you. Gently nudge him with your car, enough to
knock him over but not enough to hurt him. After a few times, he will open the car
door and throw you out.

Phone numbers:
The following locations and people can be called from your cellphone.

Bean Machine Coffee : 555-0110
Emergency Services : 911
Express Car Service : 555-2222
Express Car Service : 555-3333
Fire Proof Doors : 555-5700
Hero Shop : 555-8575
LCPD Recruitment : 555-RECRUIT
Liberty Construction : 555-1274-73
No Problemo Bail Bonds : 555-945-733-92
Storage : 555-221-3877
Superb Deli : 555-4674
The Serrated Edge : 1-800-555-5555
Used Auto Parts : 555-7300
Vinewood Laundromat : 555-5123
ZiT : 948-555-0100

Blackmailer from "Call And Collect" mission : 843-555-0124
Drug dealer from "Lure" mission : 545-555-1022
Roman Bellic : 718-926-7215

Avoiding calls:
To avoid being interrupted during a mission by a friend or want to explore the city
and do not want to get a call for another mission, bring up your cellphone menu.
Enter the "Options" menu and turn "Sleep Mode" on. You can now roam around the city
at will.

Regaining health:
Use the following trick to regain health during a mission. Leave the mission area and
go to a Cluckin' Bell, hotdog stand, etc, and eat food to replenish your health if you
are low and cannot find a health pack. This works effectively on missions where there
Are no health packs in sight. Note: You can also take a taxi to those locations during
missions. Enter an ambulance to get a small health increase.

Run faster:
If you are trying to run with a rocket launcher compared to a pistol, chances are the
pistol will result in faster movement. If you are trying to run away from anything,
try to run with the lightest weapon (or no weapon) if possible.

Control music volume strip clubs:
The volume of the radio stations in the options menu also controls how loud the music
is inside strip clubs. You can turn it all the way down to make a club completely
silent and watch the ladies dance to nothing.

Television channels:
The following is what can be seen when you turn on a television.

-Republican Space Rangers cartoon
-John Hunter political commercial
-Vinewood Cunts
-VIG Insurance commercial
-Weazel Wednesdays
-Terror Marathon
-Venturas Poker Challenge

-Patriot 500
-I'm Rich
-The History Of The Civil War And Beyond
-CNT commercial
-LCPD Recruitment - Join LCPD
-Fear The Dark Finger movie commercial

Claude outfit:
Kill Playboy X and get his penthouse. Save the game and restart the system. When you reload
your saved game, flip through your outfits and you should have Claude's outfit (the main
character in Grand Theft Auto 3). Everything from the leather jacket, the green cargos, and
the black shoes with the white stripe on the bottom should be there.

Calling emergency vehicles:
Dial "911" on your cellphone. You will reach a voice menu that will allow you to call the
police by dialing "1", an ambulance by dialing "2", or a fire truck by dialing "3". Select
the vehicle of your choice and wait for them to arrive. The will stop and look around for
the emergency, allowing you to easily steal their vehicle.

Funny GPS:
Steal a luxury car with a GPS with a female voice. She sometimes makes the "bing bong"
notification sound herself while giving directions. For example, "At 100 yards, turn left."
At the junction, she would say "bing bong" instead of an actual beep.

Mid-air cars:
When in a helicopter, preferably the police one, enable a code to spawn a car. The car will
either float in the air motionless, fall at high speeds, or hit your rotor and spin off.

Avoid paying tolls:
Use any emergency vehicle, turn on the sirens, and drive through the toll booth at any speed.
The booth attendant will open the gate and you will have saved $5.
Ride a motorcycle to the side of the pay toll wall. You will not pay a toll if you can drive
through the small gap on the sides.
When in a car or a motorcycle, drive up to toll booth. Stay on the far side of the booth.
Niko will stick his arm out, but not put money in the basket. The gate will still open.

Friendship bonuses:
Reach the indicated level of friendship with a character to unlock their special
friendship bonus.

-=Alex (screen name "LiberatedWoman")=-
Method: Look for the personal ad from "LiberatedWoman" in the "Women seeking men" section
of the "" site. Alex is somewhat of a self-centered, spoiled rotten rich
girl. She will compliment Niko for wearing expensive clothing and driving expensive cars.
She will also write about her exploits with Niko in her blog at "".
Reach 80% friendship with her.
Bonus: 50% off at all clothing stores for one day.

Method: Take him bowling, drinking, eating, strip clubs, shows, helicopter tours, and
boating to reach 70% friendship.
Bonus: Call Brucie and he will fly his helicopter to you. This allows you to fast travel
to various portions of the city.

-=Carmen (screen name "SoboHoe")=-
Method: Get 75% friendship with her.
Bonus: Restores Niko's health over the phone. Will call Niko every chance she gets.

Method: Take him to strip clubs, eating, drinking, shows, and bowling to reach 60% friendship.
Bonus: Call Dwayne to have a car full of gang members follow you.

-=Kiki (screen name "LawChick")=-
Method: Date LawChick via in the in-game Internet. Take her out a few times
to reach 75% friendship. When dropping her off, select the "Try your luck" option. Afterwards
she will call you and say that she can clear the feds.
Bonus: Call her on your cellphone and select "Clear wanted levels".

-=Little Jacob=-
Method: Take him to darts, shows, pool, drinking, eating, and strip clubs to reach 60%
Bonus: Call Little Jacob and he will drive out a car to you, with guns that you can buy.

Method: Take him to strip clubs, shows, darts, drinking, bowling, pool to reach 75% friendship.
Bonus: Call Packie and he will make a car bomb for you.

Method: Take him to bowling, darts, drinking, eating, pool, shows, and the strip club to
reach 60% friendship.
Bonus: Unlocked at 60%. Call Roman and he will send a free cab.

Method: Complete his car boosts.
Bonus: The South Bohan garage will now offer money for any vehicle you deliver. The better
the condition, the more money you will earn.

Grand Theft Auto IV Cheats Codes:
While playing the game, press Up to display Niko's cell phone. Press Up again to access the
keypad. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Once a code has been entered correctly, a new "Cheats" menu option will be available on your
phone, below "Options", where you can access the cheats without having to enter the phone
number again. Note: Do not save the game after enabling a code to avoid unforeseen problems.
Enabling some cheats will prevent the indicated achievement(s) from being earned. You can
usually only spawn one vehicle at a time. Any previously spawned vehicles will disappear.
However, if you spawn a vehicle, save the game, and load again, you can spawn another one
and your original will not disappear. You must have it in your parking space in front of a
safehouse or it will be gone before you have a chance to spawn another.

=Full health and armor=
Dial "3625550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will
also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to "DOC-555-0100". This code prevents
the "Cleaned The Mean Streets", "Finish Him", "One Man Army", and "Walk Free" achievements
from being earned.

=Full health, armor, and ammunition=
Dial "4825550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will
also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to "GTA-555-0100". This code prevents
the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

=Weapons tier 1=
Dial "4865550100" on the cell phone. This will unlock the baseball bat, handgun, shotgun,
MP5, M4, sniper rifle, RPG, and grenades. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0150".
This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

=Weapons tier 2=
Dial "4865550150" on the cell phone. This will unlock the knife, Molotov cocktails, handgun,
shotgun, Uzi, AK47, sniper rifle, and RPG. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0100".
This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

=Remove Niko's wanted level=
Dial "2675550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0100".
This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

=Add one star to Niko's wanted level=
Dial "2675550150" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0150".

=Spawn Annihilator police helicopter=
Dial "3595550100" on the cell phone. The Annihilator is armed with rockets. Note: This phone
number translates to "FLY-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free"
achievements from being earned.

=Spawn Cognoscenti=
Dial "2275550142" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0142".

=Spawn Comet=
Dial "2275550175" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0175".

=Spawn FBI Buffalo=
Dial "2275550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0100".

=Spawn Jetmax=
Dial "9385550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "WET-555-0100".

=Spawn NRG-900=
Dial "6255550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0100".

=Spawn Sanchez=
Dial "6255550150" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0150".

=Spawn SuperGT=
Dial "2275550168" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0168".

=Spawn Turismo=
Dial "2275550147" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0147".

=Change weather and brightness=
Dial "4685550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "HOT-555-0100".

Hint: 100%:
To get 100% you have to complete the following:

* Complete all Main Missions.
* Complete all 10 Drug Deliveries.
* Complete all 10 Races.
* Complete all 10 Assassination missions.
* Complete all 30 car thefts.
* Collect all 10 cars for the Exotic Exports mission.
* Unlock all five friend's special abilities and complete the activities with Little Jacob,
Brucie and Packie.
* Beat the computer or an online friend in all activities.
* Find all Random Characters and complete their missions (except for Jeff, Cherise,
Clarence & Ivan).
* Complete all 30 Most Wanted Missions.
* Complete all 20 Vigilante Missions.
* Kill all 200 Pigeons.
* Complete all 50 Unique Jumps.

Easy One Man Army Achievement:
At the start of the game drive north to Bohan, the island where you get a safehouse after your
first one is burned down. At the very northern most road there is a point where the subway
train tracks go from an elevated line to underground. Drive a car from the road onto the
tracks and head into the tunnel. Eventually you'll cross the river and end up on the locked
island of Algonquin and receive 6 stars. Stay in the tunnel for 5 minutes and you'll get the

Control music volume strip clubs:
The volume of the radio stations in the options menu also controls how loud the music is
inside strip clubs. You can turn it all the way down to make a club completely silent and
watch the ladies dance to nothing.

After death shooting:
Occasionally after your character dies, during the death animation you can cause your currently
equipped weapon to fire off. Where it shoots is completely random, and is based upon the direction
the gun is pointing as you fall. This effect is most notable if you have a rocket launcher or
assault rifle equipped, and you have a greater chance of it happening if your death animation
lasts longer (such as from being blown up and flying through the air due to a grenade or other
explosive). While you do not get any benefits from this happening, it is satisfying to sometimes
kill your attacker after you die. Note: This also works the other way. Sometimes NPCs will shoot
you after Niko kills them. It is somewhat rare, but it can happen.

Easy headshots:
It is sometimes difficult to get headshots, which do count in this game. With some practice,
the following is an easy way to always get them. Press [Auto-Aim] then use the Right Analog-stick
to move the auto-aim target around your victim's body. Barely move the Right Analog-stick as you
are shooting. This puts bullets in the chest and head, and results in an easy instant kill.

Get taxi drivers arrested:
Go up to any taxi and hit their car. They will get out and chase you down. Find a cop and let
the cab driver hit you. The cop will then arrest the cab driver and put him in the back of a
nearby police car.

Steal cars fasters:
When you are being chased by the cops and you see a car you want to steal, instead of waiting
for Niko to break the car window take a gun out and shoot at the driver's or passenger's side
window and he will just get in the car.

Blow up hotdog stand:
Some hotdog stands have a propane tank on the side. Shoot it and it will blow up.

Stop police siren:
Shoot out a police car's lights with a gun to make the siren malfunction.

Hidden car:
You can find a secret car in Party, Free For All, Story Line, Bomb da Base II, Cops 'n
Crooks, Car Jack City, Mafia Work, and Deathmatch modes.

Fight without getting wanted levels:
Go to Fishmarket South where the Helitour is located. There will be a big line of people
waiting to board a chopper. If you stay in that area where the choppers are, you can beat
people up without getting wanted levels. You may gain a one star wanted level very rarely.

Visit your kidnapping victim again:
While driving through southern Alderny soon after completing Garry's kidnapping missions you
my noticed a blip on the radar. Drive to the small house and you will see the mob daughter
who screams and calls for help. Her father and several gangsters will appear and attack you.

Claude outfit:
Kill Playboy X and get his penthouse. Save the game and restart the system. When you reload
your saved game, flip through your outfits and you should have Claude's outfit (the main
character in Grand Theft Auto 3). Everything from the leather jacket, the green cargos, and
the black shoes with the white stripe on the bottom should be there.

Avoiding graphics problems:
If you are running the game on a low end machine, for example a Pentium 4 with 2GB RAM and
1 GB graphics card, turn down the graphics options like screen resolution with minimum
refresh rate. Also keep the detailing to a minimum, such as shadows and character details.
All these options are in the game's "Option" menu.

Use the following trick to fix problems where you may see nothing but some unusual colors
or spots and no characters or scenes. Turn down or up the resolution from the game's graphics
options. For example, go from 800X600 (75hz) to 800X600 (60hz). When the game asks if you
to want keep the changes or not, answer "No" to return to your old settings.
You should now see the scenes and characters properly.

URL Codes:
At any internet cafe, type the URL to get the associated cheat: - 5-star wanted level - All locations for armor, entertainment, health, ramps,
weapons and vehicles.

Span Vechicles:
Dial the following numbers into your phone to span the particular vehicle:

Annihilator - (359)-555-0100
Cognoscenti - (227)-555-0142
Comet - (227)-555-0175
FIB Buffalo - (227)-555-0100
Jetmax - (938)-555-0100
NRG-900 - (625)-555-0100
Sanchez - (625)-555-0150
Super GT - (227)-555-0168
Turismo - (227)-555-0147

View Song Information:
If your listing to any radio station besides Independent, dial the following number into
your phone to receive a text message containing the song information. (948)-555-0100.

View Statue Of Happiness' heart:
Once you gain access to Happiness Island, find the Helicopter Tours, which is directly east
of Happiness Island, and steal a helicopter. Fly to Happiness Island and over the Statue Of
Happiness, then jump out of the helicopter at the statue's feet. You should land on the top-
most tier of the statue, which is basically a square platform with a door in the center of
each side. Run around the platform until you see a door with a plaque on either side of it
that reads, "No Hidden Content Here". It may seem like you cannot go through the door, but
you can -- it doesn't open, you simply walk through the door. You will find an empty room
with a tall ladder inside. Climb it, and when you reach the top, look up to see a huge beating
heart, held in place by chains.

Swim under city:
Go to the north part of the map, just northwest of Butterfly Street in Bohan. Then, get down
to the outskirts of the land, and walk towards the corner between the brick wall and the cliff.
You can walk through the invisible wall. Lookup towards the city to see the city from below.
You can also continue onwards and swim under the city.

Civilian warfare and assistance:
Go to a car when a man is in it. This will not work with a woman. Make sure there are other
pedestrians around you on the sidewalks. Push or punch the car around the front. Let the man
exit and beat you up a little bit. Then some of the male pedestrians will rush to help you,
and punch or pull out knives on your attacker. Sometimes if an officer is around, he will
arrest the attacker.

Internet sites:
Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe and enter one of the following URLs to visit that site.
Note: Do this in-game only.


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